ÉDS Dragons Esports Brawlhalla season starts Wednesday

The ÉDS Dragons are back in action on Wednesday as the Manitoba School Esports Association's Brawlhalla season officially kicks-off!

With a whopping 11 teams, this is the largest esport participation that ÉDS has ever encountered.  Nearly 50 students will be a part of the season thanks to the Esports Lab and the support of our admin, parent community and PAC who continue to ensure we have the necessary equipment to offer this opportunity to our students.

On top of that, we will be launching our YouTube Stream alongside our Twitch Stream, so you can view the ÉDS Dragons from whichever platform is most convenient.  Both streams will be nested in our website and can be found on the ESPORTS LIVE! link on the main page.  You will see them when we are live at 4:00pm!

Huge thanks to Jodi Craigen and Ryan Hrabi who will be supporting with this season.  Be sure to tune-in and watch!  We will try to post what matches and teams will be featured in advance, but can't do it for Week 1.

Looking forward to the upcoming Provincial Finals that will be hosted at Dugald on March 22nd!  Watch for more information.