Week 2 ÉDS Dragons Esports Brawlhalla Live Wednesday @4pm

The ÉDS Dragons are back in action as they dive into Week 2 Action.

Some huge results by ÉDS left us at or near the top of the standings in all 3 divisions.  If you missed last week's action, be sure to check it out.  Links are at the bottom of this article.

Week 1 also saw our launch of our YouTube Stream alongside our Twitch Stream, so you can view the ÉDS Dragons from whichever platform is most convenient.  Both streams will be nested in our website and can be found on the ESPORTS LIVE! link on the main page.  You will see them when we are live at 4:00pm!

Our plan is to be able to capture each team on stream a couple times through the season.  Watch for your team!

Also looking forward to the upcoming Provincial Finals that will be hosted at Dugald on March 22nd!  Watch for more information.

Stream from Week 1:
EDS Red Dragons vs EDS White Dragons (AAA Division)
Commentated by Graeme and Jacob
EDS Red Dragons vs SMS White Knights (Stonybrook Middle School) (AAA Division)
Commentated by Etta and Addilyn
EDS Gold Dragons vs YQS Gold (Yellowquill School) (AA Division)
Commentated by Graeme and Jacob (and Mr. Koblun in Game 3)
EDS Silver Dragons vs AAL Gold Lancers (Arthur A. Leach Middle School) (AA Division)
Commentated by Etta and Addilyn
EDS Rose Dragons vs SMS Red Knights (A Division)
Commentated by Etta and Claire