Week 3 ÉDS Dragons Esports Brawlhalla Live TODAY (Wed) @4pm

The ÉDS Dragons are preparing for war as they enter Week 3 - our halfway mark of the season!

ÉDS is currently leading the AAA and A Divisions with some phenomenal performances.  The battle in the AA Division continues, but everyone knows how quickly the standings can change with so many more points to get!  If you missed last week's action, be sure to check it out.  Links are at the bottom of this article.

Week 2 saw a continued effort of running both our YouTube Stream and our Twitch Stream, so you can view the ÉDS Dragons from whichever platform is most convenient!  Both streams will be nested in our website and can be found on the ESPORTS LIVE! link on the main page.  You will see them when we are live at 4:00pm!

Also looking forward to the upcoming Provincial Finals that will be hosted at Dugald on March 22nd! 

Stream from Week 2:
EDS Black Dragons vs JH Black Giants (Ecole John Henderson Middle School) (AAA Division)
Commentated by Graeme and Mr. Koblun (and H in Game 3)
EDS Purple Dragons vs EDS Blue Dragons (A Division)
Commentated by Etta and H
EDS White Dragons vs EDS Black Dragons (AAA Division)
Commentated by Graeme and H
EDS Orange Dragons vs RWP Blue (River West Park) (AA Division)
Commentated by Graeme and Mr. Koblun (and H in Game 3)
EDS Silver Dragons vs GSMS Flying Niskak 10 (George Saunders Memorial School) (AA Division)
Commentated by Claire and Graeme
EDS Yellow Dragons vs Lockport Red Lancers (Lockport School) (AA Division)
Commentated by Etta and Claire
SMS Onyx Knights vs EDS Rose Dragons (A Division)
Commentated by Claire and Mr. Koblun, with Paige in Game 3