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Parents and staff at the school work together to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for student learning.

There are documents on this page that you may find helpful. 

The Concern Protocol outlines the process if you feel that a concern you have raised with your child's teacher or another professional at the school has not been adequately addressed. Essentially, ensure that your concern was clearly expressed to the person most able to address the concern and, if you are not satisfied with the response/action taken, ask to speak or meet with their immediate supervisor to outline your concern and desired outcome(s).

The Health Authority has developed a quick guide to common illnesses and contagious diseases seen in schools and what steps to take with a child that may be affected. See Contagious Childhood Illnesses. Please consider the health of all the staff and students at the school. If your child has a fever, is vomiting or has diarrhea, has a frequent cough or sneezing, or may have symptoms of a contagious illness, please keep your child at home.

In the Student and Parent Handbook, you will find information about staff, how we approach developing a positive environment for behaviour, as well as supports that are available in the school. Code of Conduct is covered in our Student and Parent Handbook section labelled "Behaviour at École Dugald School" and also listed separately at the side for your convenience. We have also included information about the school day, dropping off and picking up students, and other general information in the Handbook.